袛芯泻褌芯褉 袧邪褋褉懈褌写懈薪芯胁 协屑懈谢褜 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 写芯褑械薪褌芯屑 褎邪泻褍谢褜褌械褌邪 鈥溞⌒残拘毙拘葱窖嬓� 懈褋泻褍褋褋褌胁邪 懈 薪邪褍泻懈鈥� 袗屑械褉懈泻邪薪褋泻芯谐芯 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪 胁 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈. 袨薪 懈屑械械褌 褋褌械锌械薪褜 写芯泻褌芯褉邪 褎懈谢芯褋芯褎懈懈 胁 芯斜谢邪褋褌懈 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯谐芯 锌谢邪薪懈褉芯胁邪薪懈褟 袦械谢褜斜褍褉薪褋泻芯谐芯 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪 (2007, 袗胁褋褌褉邪谢懈褟), 褋褌械锌械薪褜 屑邪谐懈褋褌褉邪 懈褋泻褍褋褋褌胁 胁 芯斜谢邪褋褌懈 邪褉褏懈褌械泻褌褍褉褘 (袥邪薪写褕邪褎褌薪褘泄 褍褉斜邪薪懈蟹屑) 袠谢谢懈薪芯泄褋泻芯谐芯 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪 胁 效懈泻邪谐芯 (2002, 小楔袗), 褋褌械锌械薪褜 屑邪谐懈褋褌褉邪 胁 芯斜谢邪褋褌懈 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯谐芯 懈 褉械谐懈芯薪邪谢褜薪芯谐芯 锌谢邪薪懈褉芯胁邪薪懈褟 袚邪胁邪泄褋泻芯谐芯 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪 胁 袦邪薪芯邪 (2001, 小楔袗) 懈 褋褌械锌械薪褜 斜邪泻邪谢邪胁褉邪 邪褉褏懈褌械泻褌褍褉褘 (谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄 写懈蟹邪泄薪) 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋泻芯谐芯 懈薪褋褌懈褌褍褌邪 邪褉褏懈褌械泻褌褍褉褘 懈 褋褌褉芯懈褌械谢褜褋褌胁邪 (1997, 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪).
协屑懈谢褜 薪邪褔邪谢 褋胁芯褞 写械褟褌械谢褜薪芯褋褌褜 胁 袗校笑袗 胁 2007 谐芯写褍 胁 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械 懈褋锌芯谢薪褟褞褖械谐芯 芯斜褟蟹邪薪薪芯褋褌懈 写芯褑械薪褌邪 薪邪 褎邪泻褍谢褜褌械褌械 邪薪褌褉芯锌芯谢芯谐懈懈. 袨薪 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 写懈褉械泻褌芯褉芯屑 懈 褋芯褍褔褉械写懈褌械谢械屑 袥邪斜芯褉邪褌芯褉懈懈 褋芯褑懈邪谢褜薪褘褏 懈薪薪芯胁邪褑懈泄 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪邪, 邪 褌邪泻卸械 谐谢邪胁薪褘屑 褉械写邪泻褌芯褉芯屑 懈 褋芯褍褔褉械写懈褌械谢械屑 卸褍褉薪邪谢邪 "袣械褌屑械薪: 袦械卸写褍薪邪褉芯写薪褘泄 卸褍褉薪邪谢 写谢褟 谐芯谢芯褋芯胁 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈" 锌褉懈 袗校笑袗. 袣褉芯屑械 褌芯谐芯, 芯薪 褉邪斜芯褌邪械褌 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢械屑 胁 袠薪褋褌懈褌褍褌械 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪薪懈泄 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈 (CASI) 懈 笑械薪褌褉械 锌芯谢懈褌懈泻懈 孝褟薪褜-楔邪薪褟 (TSPC) 锌褉懈 袗校笑袗. 袨薪 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 胁褘锌褍褋泻薪懈泻芯屑 笑械薪褌褉邪 鈥溞捫狙佈傂拘�-袟邪锌邪写鈥� 锌褉懈 袚邪胁邪泄褋泻芯屑 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌械 胁 袦邪薪芯邪.
协屑懈谢褜 斜褘谢 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈邪褌芯屑 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑褘 肖褍谢斜褉邪泄褌邪 胁 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌械 袛卸芯褉写卸邪 袙邪褕懈薪谐褌芯薪邪 (2019), 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈邪褌芯屑 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑褘 锌褉懈谐谢邪褕械薪薪褘褏 褍褔械薪褘褏 袗泻邪写械屑懈褔械褋泻芯泄 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈邪谢褜薪芯泄 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑褘 袠薪褋褌懈褌褍褌邪 芯褌泻褉褘褌芯谐芯 芯斜褖械褋褌胁邪 (2013), 邪 褌邪泻卸械 芯斜谢邪写邪褌械谢械屑 薪械褋泻芯谢褜泻懈褏 锌褉械褋褌懈卸薪褘褏 屑械卸写褍薪邪褉芯写薪褘褏 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈泄.
- 袠褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻懈泄 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈邪褌 肖褍谢斜褉邪泄褌邪, 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌 袛卸芯褉写卸邪 袙邪褕懈薪谐褌芯薪邪, 2019 谐.
- 袩褉械屑懈褟 袛卸芯薪邪 袛械泄械褉邪 蟹邪 胁褘写邪褞褖懈械褋褟 褍褋锌械褏懈 胁 锌褉械锌芯写邪胁邪薪懈懈 (锌褉芯褎械褋褋芯褉 谐芯写邪), 2015-2016 褍褔械斜薪褘泄 谐芯写, 袗屑械褉懈泻邪薪褋泻懈泄 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌 胁 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈
- 小褌懈锌械薪写懈邪褌 屑芯斜懈谢褜薪芯泄 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑褘, 袗泻邪写械屑懈褔械褋泻邪褟 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈邪谢褜薪邪褟 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑邪, 肖芯薪写 小芯褉芯褋邪 懈 袠薪褋褌懈褌褍褌 鈥溞炑傂貉€褘褌芯械 芯斜褖械褋褌胁芯鈥�, 2013 谐芯写
- 袦械卸写褍薪邪褉芯写薪邪褟 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻邪褟 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈褟 写谢褟 邪褋锌懈褉邪薪褌芯胁, 袦械谢褜斜褍褉薪褋泻懈泄 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌, 2006 谐芯写
- 袦械卸写褍薪邪褉芯写薪邪褟 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻邪褟 褋褌懈锌械薪写懈褟 袦械谢褜斜褍褉薪邪, 袦械谢褜斜褍褉薪褋泻懈泄 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌, 2006 谐芯写
- 小褌懈锌械薪写懈褟 袗蟹懈邪褌褋泻芯谐芯 斜邪薪泻邪 褉邪蟹胁懈褌懈褟, 袚邪胁邪泄褋泻懈泄 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌, 2001 谐芯写
- 袚芯褉芯写褋泻懈械 褌械屑褘 胁 袘懈褕泻械泻械: 蟹械谢械薪褘械 薪邪褋邪卸写械薪懈褟, 薪械褎芯褉屑邪谢褜薪褘泄 谐芯褉芯写, 谐芯褉芯写褋泻芯泄 邪泻褌懈胁懈蟹屑, 谐芯褉芯写褋泻懈械 褉械泻懈, 谐芯褉芯写褋泻邪褟 斜械写薪芯褋褌褜 懈 褌褉邪写懈褑懈芯薪薪褘械 泻胁邪褉褌邪谢褘
- 袟邪斜褉芯褕械薪薪褘械 褕邪褏褌械褉褋泻懈械 谐芯褉芯写邪 胁 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪械
袦懈谐褉邪褑懈褟 懈 屑芯斜懈谢褜薪芯褋褌褜:
- 袙薪褍褌褉械薪薪褟褟 屑懈谐褉邪褑懈褟 胁 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪械
- 袦懈谐褉邪褑懈褟 懈 褉邪蟹胁懈褌懈械 胁 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈
- 孝褉褍写芯胁邪褟 屑懈谐褉邪褑懈褟 懈蟹 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈 胁 袪芯褋褋懈褞
- 协泻芯谢芯谐懈褔械褋泻邪褟 屑懈谐褉邪褑懈褟
- 袚芯褋褍写邪褉褋褌胁械薪薪邪褟 褉械谢懈谐懈芯蟹薪邪褟 锌芯谢懈褌懈泻邪 胁 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪械
- 袠褋谢邪屑褋泻芯械 谐褉邪卸写邪薪褋泻芯械 芯斜褖械褋褌胁芯 胁 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯泄 袗蟹懈懈
- 孝邪斜谢懈谐懈 袛卸邪屑邪邪褌 胁 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪械
- 校褟蟹胁懈屑芯褋褌褜 懈 褍褋褌芯泄褔懈胁芯褋褌褜 泻 褉邪写懈泻邪谢懈蟹邪褑懈懈 胁 袣褘褉谐褘蟹褋褌邪薪械
- 听
袣薪懈谐懈 懈 褋锌械褑懈邪谢褜薪褘械 胁褘锌褍褋泻懈:
- Nasritdinov, E. & T. Kozhoeva (forthcoming) Migration in Kyrgyzstan: Here, There and In-Between, Contemporary Central Asian Series, Lexington Books, manuscript in production after two reviews
- Nasritdinov, E., Kyrgyz Tablighi Jamaat: The Spiritual Nomads of Central Asia, Contemporary Central Asian Series, Lexington Books, book prospectus accepted, first draft in the final stages of completion
- Nasritdinov, E. (ed) Alternative Guide to Urban Places and Faces in Bishkek, first draft nearing completion, potentially Dom Publishers
- Nasritdinov, E. & S. du Boulay (eds) (2022) Autoethnographies of Spiritual Practices in Central Asia, special issue in Ketmen: International Journal for Central Asian Voices
- Nasritdinov & Schroeder (eds) (2017) Re/Claiming Bishkek: Contestation and Activism in the City of Two Revolutions, special issue in Central Asian Affairs #4
- Nasritdinov & K. O鈥機onnor (2009) Regional Change in Kyrgyzstan: Bazaars, Cross-Border Trade and Social Networks, LAMBERT Academic Publishing
小褌邪褌褜懈 胁 泻薪懈谐邪褏 懈 褉械褑械薪蟹懈褉褍械屑褘褏 卸褍褉薪邪谢邪褏:
- Nasritdinov E. and S. du Boulay (2022) Autoethnographies of Spiritual Practices in Central Asia: Introduction (2022) in Nasritdinov and du Boulay (eds) Autoethnographies of Spiritual Practices in Central Asia, Ketmen: International Journal for Central Asian Voices, #1
- Spirituality and Families in Transition (2022) in Nasritdinov and du Boulay (eds) Autoethnographies of Spiritual Practices in Central Asia, Ketmen: International Journal for Central Asian Voices, #1
- Bishkek: Searching for Asianness in a Post-Soviet City (forthcoming) in Hu (ed) Routledge Handbook of Asian Cities, Routledge
- Mobile Livelihoods: How Kyrgyz Tablighis Balance Din and Duniya (forthcoming) in De La Croix and Reeves (eds) The Central Asian World, Routledge
- Nasritdinov, E. and M. Myrzabaev (2022) Saudi Influence in Kyrgyzstan: Beyond Mosques, Schools, and Foundations, in Mandeville (ed) Wahhabism and the World: Understanding Saudi Arabia's Global Influence on Islam, Oxford University Press
- Politics of Green Development in Bishkek (2022) in Isaacs and Marat (eds) The Routledge Handbook on contemporary Central Asia, Routledge
- Nasritdinov, E. A. Abdoubaetova and G. Iskandarova (2021) Private Education, Inequality, and the Growing Social Divide in Bishkek, in Monthgomery, D. (ed) Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding, University of Pittsburg Press
- Nasritdinov, E. & P. Schroeder (2017) Re/Claiming Bishkek: Contestations and Activisms in the City of Two Revolutions: An Introduction, in Nasritdinov & Schroeder (eds) Re/Claiming Bishkek, special issue in Central Asian Affairs #4, 97-128
- The War of Billboards: Hijab, Secularism, and Public Space in Bishkek(2017) in Nasritdinov & Schroeder (eds) Re/Claiming Bishkek, special issue in Central Asian Affairs #4, 217-242
- "Only by Learning How to Live Together Differently Can We Live Together at All": Readability and Legibility of Central AsianMigrants' Presence in Urban Russia (2016) in Schroder (ed.) Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond, special issue in Central Asian Survey, 35:2, 257-275,
- Nasritdinov, E. and P. Schroeder (2016) From Frunze to Bishkek: Soviet Territorial Youth Formations and Their Decline in the 1990-s and 2000-s, Central Asian Affairs, 3, 1-28
- Nasritdinov, E., B. Zhumakadyr kyzy, and D. Asanalieva (2015) Myths and Realities of Bishkek鈥檚 Novostroikas, in Laruelle (ed.)Kyrgyzstan beyond 'Democracy Island' and 'Failing State': Factoring Social and Political Challenges in a Post-Soviet Society, M.E.Sharpe
- Nasritdinov, E., E.Gareyeva, & T. Efremenko (2015) How Small Kitchens Become Even Smaller: Social Life of Soviet Microdistricts, in Daou, Huppatz, and Dinh (eds) Unbounded: on the Interior and Interiority, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Fryer, P., E. Nasritdinov and E. Satybaldieva (2014) Moving Towards the Brink? Migration in the Kyrgyz Republic, Central Asian Affairs, Vol. 1, N.2
- Nasritdinov E. & K. O鈥機onnor (2013) Globalization as Fuel, Ethnicity as Engine: How Markets Reactivate Local Culture, in Pulsar (ed.) Imagined Identities: De/Construction of Ethnicity and Nationhood in the Age of Globalization, Syracuse Press
- Ismailbekova, A. and Nasritdinov. E (2012) Transnational Religious Networks in Central Asia: Structure, Travel, and Culture of Kyrgyz Tablighi Jama鈥檃t, Transnational Social Review, volume 2, No.2, pp.177-195
- Spiritual Nomadism and Central Asian Tablighi Travellers (2012) in S. Oushakine (ed.) Variety of Post-Colonialisms, Ab Imperio, issue 2, 2012
- Nasritdinov, E., M. Ablezova, (2009) Environmental Migration: Case of Kyrgyzstan, inAfifi, T. and J. Jagger (eds.) Environment, Forced Migration and Human Security, International Organization on Migration听
- Mountains in the Evolution of Visual Arts in Kyrgyzstan(2006), in Joubert (ed.) Arts Education in Asia, Kluwer-Springer, Dordrecht Netherlands
- Nasritdinov E. & K. O鈥機onnor (2006) Social Texture of the Central Asian Commercial Terrain: Kyrgyz, Russian and Uzbek Merchants in the Post-Soviet Trading Networks, International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 4, Number 5
袩芯谢懈褌懈褔械褋泻懈械 芯褌褔械褌褘:
- Peyrouse, S. and E. Nasritdinov (2021) Engaging with Muslim Civil Society in Central Asia: Components, Approaches and Opportunities, a special report by the United States Institute for Peace
- Nasritdinov, E., Z. Urmanbetova, K. Murzakhalilov, and M. Myrzabaev (2019) Vulnerability and Resilience of Young People in Kyrgyzstan to Radicalization, Violence and Extremism: Analysis Across Five Sectors, CAP paper #213, January 2019, Central Asia Program, Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University
- Nasritdinov, E. & T. Kozhoeva (2017) Effect of Kyrgyzstan鈥檚 Accession to Eurasian Economic Union on the Life of Kyrgyz Migrants in Russia, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- Vulnerability of Labor Migrants from Kyrgyzstan to Engagement with Violent Extremist Groups (2017) United Nations Development Program, Bishkek
- Building Future: Materialization of Kyrgyz and Tajik Migrants' Remittances in the Construction Sectors of their Home Countries,(2015) Regional Migration Programme, Department for International Development, UK
- Nasritdinov, E. and N. Bekmurzaev (2015) Exploring the Potential for Introducing the "Education for Peace" Course in the Curriculum of Islamic Educational Institutions in Kyrgyzstan, United Nations Population Fund, Kyrgyzstan
- Nasritdinov, E. and N. Esenamanova (2014) Religious Security in Central Asia, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Nasritdinov, E. and N. Schenkkan (2012) Portrayal of Absence: Skipped Generation Households in Kyrgyzstan, Open Society Institute and HelpAge International, Kyrgyzstan
- Nasritdinov, E., N. Kholmatova and A. Sheralieva (2011) Breaking the Stereotypes: Kyrgyz and Tajik Labor Migrants in Kazan,UNESCO, Kyrgyzstan
- Nasritdinov, E., and Student Research Team, AUCA (2010) Informal Economy and Social Vulnerability in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, HelpAge International, Kyrgyzstan
- Nasritdinov, E., M. Ablezova & Rahimov (2009) The Effect of Migration on the Elderly People in Kyrgyzstan, HelpAge International, Kyrgyzstan
- Nasritdinov, E. & Student Research Team, AUCA (2008) Discrimination of Internal Migrants in Bishkek, Social Research Center, 红唇直播
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