Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: July 26 – August 08, 2013
Employment issues - in the spotlight In Russian: .
From the beginning of the year almost 10,000 new jobs were created in Astana - department of Employment and Social Protection of Population of the capital In Russian: .
Unemployment recedes In Russian: .
M.Shaykemelev: ethnic Kazakh returnees need adaptation programs In Russian: .
About 45 thousand of Kazakh people are members of the Employment Program – head of Labor Ministry of RK In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan plans to introduce electronic visas for foreign nationals In Russian: .
Kyrgyz human rights activists to help migrant workers in Russia In Russian: .
OTRK is available to migrants in Russia In Russian: .
Recommendation of timely execute the necessary documents to the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, traveling to Russia In Russian: .
Most unemployed are people in Osh and Bishkek In Russian:
Meeting of the Social supervisory board in Bishkek on microcredit for unemployed In Russian: .
Total number of unemployed in the Talas - 1011 people In Russian: .
More than 19 thousand citizens of the Batken region are in labor migration abroad In Russian: .
Public system of assistance to migrants would be formed in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan takes part in creating of system of registers of foreigners in the CIS In Russian:
Ministry of Social protection and development to develop a strategy for migration policy In Russian: .
Legislation proposes to consolidate the social protection of migrants’ children In Russian: .
Embassy in Russia clarifies the situation of migrants from Kyrgyzstan detained in Moscow In Russian: .
Russia endorses the initiative of Kyrgyz labor migrants to adapt In Russian: .
KFPA, "Rainbow" and AVHC promotes the rights of migrants in the field of health In Russian: .
Plenipotentiary K. Muratbekov: one of the biggest problems in Naryn oblast - unemployment In Russian: .
International Youth Day in Kyrgyzstan will be celebrated with the slogan “Youth Migration: from threats to opportunities” In Russian: .
Ministry of social protection and development does not have funds for repatriation kids left by Kyrgyz migrants in Russia In Russian: .
Up to half of the surveyed migrants from Kyrgyzstan are for the adaption to Russia In Russian: .
Migrant workers in the top three "leaders" for child abandonment In Russian: .
Employment Service of Bishkek city department of Ministry of Labor employed more than 6 thousand people for 7 months In Russian: .
Osh city and oblast monitoring results on "Promotion of the rights of migrant workers in the field of health" project In Russian: .
Putin: Russian and Tajikistan to resolve issues of labor migration quickly In Russian: .
Ministry of Justice is opposed to the new draft Law on Migration - Migration Service In Russian: .
Tajikistan plans to create a fund of real financial assistance to migrant workers In Russian: .
Press conference of the Migration Service In Russian: .
Russia promised to Tajikistan to alleviate the migrants’ situation In Russian: .
Increased cooperation with the territorial authorities of FMS Russia In Russian: .
Migration authorities are concerned about the behavior of Tajik labor migrants abroad In Russian: .
High divorce rate in Tajikistan because of labor migration In Russian: .
Novosibirsk authorities expected to organize vocational training courses for Tajik labor migrants In Russian: .
Federal Migration Service of Russia in St. Petersburg to suppress facts that infringe upon the rights of Tajik migrants In Russian: .
More than 3,400 foreigners get work permit in Tajikistan In Russian: .
About 600 migrants from Sughd are missing In Russian: .
Testing the potential labor migrants on the knowledge of Russian language starts in Tajikistan In Russian: .
Tajik diplomats visit Moscow tent camp for migrants facing deportation In Russian: .
Next group of Tajik migrant workers expected to be deported from Russia In Russian: .
Issue of deportation of Tajik citizens back home discussed in Novosibirsk In Russian: .
Uzbekistan and South Korea to expand cooperation in the field of labor migration In Russian: .
Uzbekistan makes lists of people who have left to work abroad In Russian: .
Uzbek migrant workers are forced to abandon flights to Russia In Russian: .
New jobs to be created In Namangan In Russian: .
About 14,000 jobs would be created in Namangan this year In Russian: .
Vladimir Putin signs a law banning entry to Russia for certain categories of foreign nationals In Russian: .
Head of the Federal Migration Service proposed creating a “civilized migration” In Russian: .
Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation continues to record growth in the flow of migrants In Russian: .
CIS citizens forced to buy health insurance at the gateway to Russia In Russian: .
System of "pass mark" is developed for migrants in Russia In Russian: .
Migrant workers quotas in Russia have turned into a commodity In Russian: .
Rules of entry and residence for migrants tighten in Russia In Russian: .
Since 2014 special institutions on the keeping of foreign nationals pass to the competence of the FMS of Russia In Russian: .
The deputy asked the FMS to reduce the cost of camp for migrants In Russian: .
Gannushkina "mindless camp for migrants" In Russian: .
Russian authorities to expel three million illegal aliens from the country In Russian: .
Problems of labor migration discussed in St. Petersburg In Russian: .
Yerevan to discuss the creation of a unified system of registration of citizens entering the territory of the CIS countries In Russian: .
International News
Number of claims for unemployment benefits in the U.S. increased to 343 thousand for the week In Russian: .
Central Asia: Migrant Workers Finding Opportunity in Russian Far East In English: .
Russia for migrants: the house or feeder? In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan: migration, migrants and the economy In Russian: .
Migrants start more strictly observe laws In Russian: .
Barrier for guest worker In Russian: .
No need to take a seat on the migration needle In Russian: .
Labor migration market in Russia creates a specific type of business In Russian: .
What causes the rampant migration of doctors? In Russian: .
Russia badly digests migrants. The legalization of foreigners depends on their good will and capabilities of FMS In Russian: .
Went to work and never came back ... In Russian: .
Russia builds deportation camps for migrants In Russian: .
Petersburg expert: Let the migrant workers come with families In Russian: .
"The introduction of visas for migrant workers - part of the campaign and unrealizable" - Expert In Russian: .
Migrants to work, not to live! In Russian: .
Kyrgyz migrants in Moscow are concerned about raids In Russian: .
10 migratory innovations In Russian: .
Russia without migrants. Model ("CentrAsia", Russia) In Russian: .
Migrants: the way out - through the campground In Russian: .
Russian businessman offering solutions to migration issues In Russian: .
Citizenship + Citizenship = partially citizenship? In Russian: .
Vitamin deficiency of tolerance In Russian: .
Concentration camp for migrant worker In Russian: .
Purges in Moscow: What should expect Tajik migrants? In Russian: .
New issue of "Voice of Tajik", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho" #68 In Russian: .
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” #15, August 2013 In Russian: .
New Issue of “Compatriots” #7, July 2013 In Russian: .
International Migration, Vol. 51(4) 2013 In English:
International Migration, Vol. 51(Supplement s1) 2013 International Migration and Remittances In English: .
High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development In English: